
Showing posts from June, 2023 (GG)

This tedtalk mentions about architecture kind of being a way to bring communties or families together by architecture. By this, everyone can get what they want, a place to be comfortable and suits their needs. This is important in a way to maintain societies neutral, since there are no "must do" when it comes to individuality. Let's think of houses as a self-expression or identity. People want to express and embrace themselves, that's why art was made for, to express visually what's within. I think societies could engage more if architecture was more suitable for each one of us. Some countries do implement this type of self-architecture. Believe it or not, in Latin America people design most of things by their own and have their spaces that match with them so they feel more comfortable. (GG)

This video mentions the economic inequity and it is really interesting how it manages to have various impacts in society, regarding; robbery/theft, kidnappings, and any type of social negative parts.  This is what I like to call "economic justice" is the idea that the economy will be more successful if it is fairer, and that prosperity and justice go hand in hand rather than hand. I like to introduce "Economic justice": I think that it begins with a commitment to the well-being of workers, safety in the workplace and decent wages. As an example, the current national minimum wage of the United States. It is $7.25 per hour; at 40 hours per week for 52 weeks, the minimum wage is $15,080 per year. If someone was trying to keep a family on a minimum wage, they would qualify for federal assistance for poverty. The goal is to create opportunities for everyone to prosper.  Universal basic income, equal income by gender and race, equal opportunities for employment and credit

extra credit_ ethnic clensing

  ethnic cleansing :  It refers to the act of forcibly excluding and exterminating a specific race or tribe  Many ethnic cleansing took place from ancient, medieval, and Renaissance to modern times. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ethnic cleansing of religious persecution took place. Religious people who were contrary to the religion they pursued were deported from the state. Since the 20th century, there has been a period of violent ethnic cleansing. There have been incidents of anti-human cleansing, from mass killings to burning of residences. Ethnic cleansing took place for a variety of reasons, including religious reasons, racial differences, or women and children. In the case of the Haiti massacre in 1804, few white people were left in Haiti by the end of the mass slaughter. The expulsion of the Crimean Tatars, one of the crimes of Soviet totalitarianism, was the expulsion of women, the elderly, and children.   In the past, there were many cases in which they regarded


 1 summary Many things have changed since the creation of social networks. The invention of the cell phone provided convenience to many people. Through the network, people can communicate easily and quickly and share their daily lives. The invention of games and the development of the game industry have led many people to enjoy entertainment. Experience pleasure through sports related to games, and games have good points in the concept of play. But it can cause addiction. 2. My thought   The development of social networks has provided great convenience to people. Communication through the network has also developed the industry and enabled non-face-to-face contact and business contact. Of course, as much as there are advantages, there are disadvantages. The word "hikikomori" has also been coined to describe people who are addicted to games, who only live on the Internet and don't go outside. I think that any development or major change will definitely have side effects. T


 1. summary There are various races in the world. The concept of race, which began in Egypt, has been controversial for standards to date. Some scholars say that this attempt at distinction is the beginning of discrimination. There are many kinds of racism. Racism exists in large groups as well as minorities. Unlike in the past, interracial marriages are now allowed and increasing. 2. my thought   I don't think there's a problem in itself with dividing race based on standards. I think there is a problem with discriminating against that standard. We are the same human race, with only different skin colors, eye colors, and hair colors. We can create a global community where it is desirable to understand each other and coexist. I think there is also a problem with mixed blood. Some mixed-race people are confused and struggling because they do not feel a sense of belonging to any country or cannot find their identity. I think this is an example if there is a problem with dividing r

Is Religion Good or Bad?

 Apia focuses on broadening its perspective and understanding of religion, emphasizing its complexity and duality. He discusses the influence of religion in various aspects such as society, morality, and politics. He also talks about what social functions and roles religion plays, and how it affects the formation of individuals and groups' identity. It addresses the diversity and change of religion and emphasizes the importance of respecting and understanding the diversity of religious beliefs and practices. What I felt when I saw this video is that religion is hard to divide simply into good or bad things. I understand that religion can provide people with a sense of stability and meaning, and contribute to social convergence and the formation of moral values, but at the same time can also be a source of prejudice and conflict. While recognizing that religion plays an important role in shaping people's identity and value systems, it has also been found that situations can occu

w14.1 gender

 1. summary   In the scientific community, gender is divided into two categories: women and men. However, the sociological community recognizes gender diversity. In the case of transgender, they may change from woman to man or from man to woman through their beliefs and self-establishment. There are biological differences between women and men, psychological differences, and educational differences. Women and men are biologically different in height and lifespan, and liberal arts and science tendencies are sometimes divided. Gender discrimination also exists. 2. my thought   These days, there is a tendency to recognize the gender they feel, such as transgender in Korean broadcasts. There are a lot of discriminatory views on transgender people, but I think it's right to acknowledge their thinking as well. Gender discrimination is a problem that needs to be solved. Women and men, such as biological, psychological, and educational, are creatures that have differences, so they should b

Get Ready for Hybrid Thinking

 Kurzweil talks about the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence, and argues that a new way of thinking, "hybrid thinking," is needed. He says that as artificial intelligence continues to develop and expand, it can complement and expand human intelligence. He also explains that artificial intelligence has the ability to analyze data and identify patterns, which allows humans to gain new insights and creativity. It is argued that this combination of human and artificial intelligence enables hybrid thinking and can create new ideas and problem-solving methods. What I felt after watching this video is that the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence can transform the way we think. Kurzweil's argument that hybrid thinking can combine human creativity with the computational power of artificial intelligence to lead to more effective problem solving and innovation was very interesting. Also, Kurzweil says that the development of artificial intellig

w13.2 social inequailty

 1. summary Inequality exists in many forms in society. Inequality arises when given resources are limited but unevenly divided. Inequality exists in several forms of inequality, such as gender inequality, racial inequality according to race, and health inequality. The higher the inequality index within the country, the slower the economic growth. 2. my thought   I think inequality is a social phenomenon that must be solved in any way to reduce or eliminate it. There may be efforts as a personal level or efforts of the state. Education, income redistribution, etc.. Since the higher the inequality index, the slower the economic growth, inequality can be said to be a phenomenon that reduces the efficiency of the entire country. So it would be good as a whole for the country to be resolved.  Inequality also exists in terms of services. When I learned health inequality, I felt that the problem was that it was really unequal in terms of health services. If medical services are not supplied,

Beware, Fellow Plutocrats, the Pitchforks are Coming

 Hanawar warns the rich and the Pluto-Krat, arguing that rising economic disparities and social inequality threaten the stability of society. He points out that wealth inequality has a negative impact on the economy. The rich emphasize that fair distribution of consumption and income is important because they have low consumption power and save income, and most economic activities are driven by the upper classes of society. And it warns that if inequality persists, social unrest and inequality exacerbate the social atmosphere and threaten both democracy and the market economy. This video shows the importance and risk of wealth inequality and social inequality. It has been recognized that increasing economic disparities affect the stability and fairness of society, and can cause potential problems and conflicts. This has come as a message that emphasizes the fairness of wealth distribution and the need for improvement in the economic system. Also, Hanawor emphasizes the need for social

Architecture For the People By the People

 Pavin challenges traditional ways of architecture and urban planning, and presents innovative possibilities for architecture for people to participate and create themselves. Pointing to the problems of modern architecture, he says that most architecture requires expensive professional skills and knowledge and does not reflect people's needs and creativity. But, inspired by the open-source movement, Fabin developed "WikiHouse," a platform that allows people to share their knowledge and participation in architecture. Using computer-designed components, WikiHouse offers an easy way for even non-experts to build houses. When I saw this video, I thought I needed an innovative approach to architecture and urban planning. Pavin presents the possibility of an architectural style in which people can participate and create themselves, which sends the message that they can build cheaper and more sustainable housing, which seems to challenge the existing expert-centered architectura GG

I found really interesting, that the implication of the plutocracy is that people who dominate a country's material resources also have political power. It is even possible that, within the framework of a representative democracy (in which the state authorities are elected by popular vote and represent the population), the most important decisions will actually be made by those with economic power. What I understood from this, would be the following: It's an unfair system, because not everyone can influence it. It is very similar to the functioning of state-owned companies. Economic and social inequality is encouraged. The interests of a few take precedence over the generals. It's not an inclusive system. Meritocracy is not contemplated. There is no equal opportunity. General welfare is not the goal. Besides talking about how unfair the financial system, lets discuss what he mentions it could be a possible solution, since controlling the credit and financing of families and

w13.1 social stractification

 1.summary Social stratification means the structural division of people according to socioeconomic factors. Social stratification can be divided based on property, and it can be divided into standards such as the upper, middle, and lower classes, or in feudal society, aristocrats or low-ranking people. Anthropologists also deny social stratification. It claims to be just what some people think. There is also a hierarchy in terms of the world. Examples include the classes of developed and developing countries according to infrastructure, various resources, and competitiveness. 2.thought   Some people say that hierarchy does not exist, but I think it does. The same is true of access to convenience facilities and convenience of transportation due to the gap between the rich and the poor, and also of eating and wearing. Department stores also offer differentiated services to customers who buy more products. It is another example of stratification.  I learned something called global layeri

w12.1 symbolic interactionism

 1.summary   Symbolic interaction theory is a theory that analyzes social deviant behavior from a microscopic perspective. Designed and reinforced by George Herbert Mead and Herbert Bloomer. It is a theory that people live by determining their self and making other decisions through communication with others. It is to believe that physical reality exists by individual social justice. Individuals construct meaning through communication, and self-discipline is the motivation for action. It also assumes theory through three assumptions that individuals and society are related. 2 . my thought I learned who was the scholar who devised the concept of symbolic interaction that I originally knew. In addition, to assume this theory, we learned three concepts, and other theories also think that these premises exist. The theory of symbolic interaction that emphasizes communication with individuals is too broad and can be criticized in that it ignores other social systems and emphasizes individual

Prezi video: #3D printing by Lisa Harouni

In the video she explains how innovative and amazing 3D printing will be once it is brought to our lives. Making manufacturing way easier. This is really interesting since it is a process involving several parts, starting from a sketch of an idea, creating and designing the 3D object or idea using software or programs, continuing with programs that perform file rolling and ending with printing the object in three dimensions. This would be really interesting for product designers, retailers and many other industries. Within time, it could decrease its prices, making it accessible to all public. Another significant advantage of 3D printing is speed. Although 3D printing of an object may take hours or even whole days, it is still much faster than usual production methods, such as injection molding. Prototyping, one of the most popular professional uses of 3D printing, can be done in the company with little or no waiting time, and design iterations can be implemented and printed at the mom

A Song of The City

 Runner talks about the development and sustainability of cities and emphasizes the important role that cities play in shaping people's lives and cultures. He says cities should be spaces that connect people and promote communication. And he puts forward elements that drive creativity and innovation in cities, emphasizing the role of urban design and public space. In addition, Runner says that innovation in the transportation system and the use of eco-friendly public transportation can improve the efficiency and sustainability of cities. I felt that cities are a key part of our lives, and the way they are designed and operated has a huge impact on our lives. I could see that cities play an important role in connecting people and facilitating communication. Therefore, I felt that urban planning and design require consideration of creativity, innovation, and sustainability. Also, I realized the importance of public transportation and eco-friendly transportation. It has become recogni

Technology's Epic Story

 Kelly talks about the technological development and its impact of mankind, and explores the interaction between humans and technology. He shows how technology evolves through one story. He argues that technological advances go through evolutionary processes rather than revolutionary, and that we must understand and adapt these evolutionary processes. Kelly describes the evolution of technology as the concept of "technium," and says that technium has the power to expand human intelligence and change our lives and cultures. Also, Kelly points out that technological advances can have unexpected consequences. They say technology is hard to predict and is linked to microscopic changes that affect society and the economy. He notes that these microscopic changes make it difficult to predict and control technological advances. What I felt after watching this video is that technological advances are continuous and have a profound impact on our lives and culture. Technology is not an

The Accelerating Power of Technology

  Kurzweil argues that technological advances are accelerating and explains their impact and consequences. Kurzweil introduces the concept of "the acceleration of technology." He argues that the pace of technology development has increased exponentially over the past 30 years and predicts that it will continue to accelerate in the future. He argues that this acceleration can be observed in various fields such as intelligence, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. Kurzweil says the boundaries between humans and machines will fade in the future. They argue that advances in artificial intelligence and biotechnology will allow humans to make better decisions, and that innovative treatments and bio-enhancing will be possible. Also, Kurzweil says the time will come when we can plant computer chips on our skin or upgrade our brains to better computers. What I felt after watching this video is that the speed of technology is accelerating rapidly. Kurzweil's argument is very interest

w11.2 social network

 1. summary   Social networks are social structures. Social networks are theories that explain social structures. The level of analysis includes micro-level, quantum level, tri-deck level, and actor level. The social structure is often composed of clusters. The cluster has art network, cooperation, and communication. 2. my thought   Large-scale networks, that is, social networks at the macro level, will be easy to solve problems if they are approached through theories that view social structures as problems, such as the Anomie theory. In social networks at another microscopic level, it is predicted that microscopic theory may be more suitable for analysis, such as symbolic interaction theory. It's my first time learning the expression social network, and it feels very interesting to be able to analyze interpersonal relationships and to have certain patterns. 3. Question   What level of analysis do you think would be the best? Why ?

w11.1 social structure

 1.summary   Family, religion, and class are all one social structure, and the social system is the higher version. Sociologists such as Karl Marx, Durkem, and Zimmer argued for several conflicting views on the social system. The social structure can be largely divided into three types, and patterns and norms exist at the group stage. The social structure develops and changes. It also has implications that the causes of social structure problems can be found in many aspects. 2. my thought By analyzing the social system, I found that several approaches to a problem were possible. It can be inferred that the cause of social problems may be the result of intertwining not only one but also a complex problem. 3. Question   What social structures have you experienced in your life? From small groups to large norms. For example, religion, family, law

Prezi video ( Han woojin

Summary In Ray Kurzweil's TED Talk, he introduces the accelerating power of technological advancement and his predictions for the future, arguing for a closer convergence of humans and technology. This lecture provides an interesting intuition about technology, relationships with society, and the way we look at the future. He argues that the rate of technological advancement is increasing as an exponential function, and presents several examples and graphs to illustrate this. One of his most famous predictions is about the rapid development of mobile technology, the Internet, and computers. He emphasizes that the development of modern technology is closely related to human evolution. As the human brain evolves with excellent performance in processing information, it explains that through this evolution, humans have the ability to develop information technology. He makes predictions about how technology will evolve over the next few years in line with this exponential growth trend.

Prezi video ( Han woojin

 Summary Joseph DeSimone's lecture discusses the current limitations of 3D printing technology and the potential to dramatically speed up in new ways. DeSimone points out that traditional 3D printing technology has limited utilization and innovation in many industries. Traditional 3D printing technology is that layers take a lot of time to build materials, and there are weaknesses in the joints and difficulties in creating complex internal structures. At the heart of his talk, he introduces Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) technology, a new 3D printing technology developed to overcome this problem. CLIP technology uses a method of continuously pulling 3D objects out of the liquid resin using the balance of light and oxygen. This allows you to create products that are tens to hundreds of times faster than traditional 3D printing, and have a smooth surface and complex internal structures. Furthermore, DeSimone explains that this new 3D printing technology will bring abou

Prezi video ( Han woojin

Summary He argues that the evolution and development of technology is related to biological evolution, and discusses the principles of technological development and how it will affect the future. Kelly suggests that technology evolves and changes like life. He introduces the idea of bringing out the characteristics of life to technology. He uses this concept of technium to describe a kind of self-evolving technological ecosystem. From this point of view, they argue that the fate of technology will be more complex and unpredictable than humans think. He explains that technology develops horizontally, expands into new forms, and various kinds of technologies interact with each other. It emphasizes that various technologies will develop interconnectedly, and that it will give mankind new technologies and innovations that have never been imagined before. Kevin Kelly makes predictions about the evolution and future of technology. He explains that technology fields such as artificial intelli

Prezi video ( Han woojin

Summary In this lecture, we explore how advances in technology and in particular the growth of artificial intelligence will combine with human thinking to lead to hybrid thinking. At the beginning of the lecture, the presenter uses artificial intelligence as an example to explain the development of technology and its impact on human life. He suggests that the cooperation between humans and artificial intelligence can lead to better performance. He then explains AI's work on the human brain and mind, and introduces how advanced AI technology has been in simulating the brain's neuron structure and neural circuits. He argues that increasingly sophisticated AI algorithms will soon work in the human brain and be used in our way of thinking. He explains that these hybrid accidents will improve human thinking experience and creativity. Through the connection between humans and artificial intelligence, overall progress will be made from everyday problem solving to scientific discovery,

Prezi video ( Han woojin

Summary In this lecture, we describe the growth and development of technology as a huge epic of human civilization, providing insight into the history of technology and how it will affect the future. In the lecture, Kelly explains that many of the technologies we use in our daily lives have evolved from the existing primitive technologies. It is argued that this process of development took place in a similar way to the evolution of life. As a representative example, the habit of using tools led to important inventions such as wheels, which ultimately led to the development of current cars and railways. Kelly also argues that technological advancement is a work of value in itself and will evolve due to the curiosity and the genius of knowledge we have. From this perspective, the future of technology will expand and diversify further, presenting ideals and possibilities for how technology can affect each of our lives. Later in the lecture, Kelly emphasizes that technological advancement

Prezi video ( Han woojin

 Summary In this lecture, we will talk about the technology and principles of 3D printing and how it will bring about innovative changes in various industries and our lives. At the beginning of the lecture, the presenter explains the fundamental principles of how 3D printing works. Unlike the traditional manufacturing method, subtractive manufacturing, 3D printing is additive manufacturing. You can create complex structures of objects without traditional waste, while adding the necessary materials hierarchically. Using STL files, a 3D version of an image file, 3D printers can create almost anything, including products of unimaginable shapes and designs. Next, in the middle of her talk, she introduces the impact and expectations of 3D printing technology in many industries. They say we should focus on innovating in a variety of fields, including healthcare, fashion, design, and architecture. This technology plays an important role in the creation of customized medical devices, invention

Prezi video ( Han woojin

Summary In this lecture, we'll talk about how 3D printing technology is evolving and its impact on our lives. The speaker begins his talk with an introduction to the history of 3D printing. Designed in 1984 by Charles Hull, the technology has come into its present form after innovative developments. Initially, the industrial and manufacturing industries mainly made drafts or temporary products, but gradually spread to various fields such as healthcare, architecture, design, and research. Emphasize the potential of 3D printing technology with examples from the lecture. The medical field shows that customized medical devices and medical supplies, and even life-saving purposes such as organ transplants, are being used. In addition, the architectural sector helps improve environmental sustainability and economic feasibility by printing buildings and construction materials. He explains the impact and expectations of future 3D printing technology. A big change is expected as production i