w13.1 social stractification


Social stratification means the structural division of people according to socioeconomic factors. Social stratification can be divided based on property, and it can be divided into standards such as the upper, middle, and lower classes, or in feudal society, aristocrats or low-ranking people. Anthropologists also deny social stratification. It claims to be just what some people think. There is also a hierarchy in terms of the world. Examples include the classes of developed and developing countries according to infrastructure, various resources, and competitiveness.


 Some people say that hierarchy does not exist, but I think it does. The same is true of access to convenience facilities and convenience of transportation due to the gap between the rich and the poor, and also of eating and wearing. Department stores also offer differentiated services to customers who buy more products. It is another example of stratification.

 I learned something called global layering. I think there are classes in countries like developed and underdeveloped countries. As advanced countries such as China and the United States decide, other countries are affected or have no choice but to follow. Even their small decisions can destabilize countries that are not competitive, and without their help, the economy can become difficult. Africa, for example.

3. Question
 What do you think about class? Do you think it's a concept that exists? What is the reason for the idea


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