
 1 summary

Many things have changed since the creation of social networks. The invention of the cell phone provided convenience to many people. Through the network, people can communicate easily and quickly and share their daily lives. The invention of games and the development of the game industry have led many people to enjoy entertainment. Experience pleasure through sports related to games, and games have good points in the concept of play. But it can cause addiction.

2. My thought

 The development of social networks has provided great convenience to people. Communication through the network has also developed the industry and enabled non-face-to-face contact and business contact. Of course, as much as there are advantages, there are disadvantages. The word "hikikomori" has also been coined to describe people who are addicted to games, who only live on the Internet and don't go outside. I think that any development or major change will definitely have side effects. Therefore, I think that efforts to prevent it should continue. This is because networks are now part of our lives that are melted into reality, not virtual things.

3. Question

 What do you think about social networks? What are the good and bad things about it?


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