Is Religion Good or Bad?

 Apia focuses on broadening its perspective and understanding of religion, emphasizing its complexity and duality. He discusses the influence of religion in various aspects such as society, morality, and politics. He also talks about what social functions and roles religion plays, and how it affects the formation of individuals and groups' identity. It addresses the diversity and change of religion and emphasizes the importance of respecting and understanding the diversity of religious beliefs and practices.

What I felt when I saw this video is that religion is hard to divide simply into good or bad things. I understand that religion can provide people with a sense of stability and meaning, and contribute to social convergence and the formation of moral values, but at the same time can also be a source of prejudice and conflict.

While recognizing that religion plays an important role in shaping people's identity and value systems, it has also been found that situations can occur that use it to justify hatred and discrimination or cause violence. We have therefore come to the conclusion that efforts must be made to understand the complexity of religion, respect different beliefs and practices, and promote religious freedom and mutual understanding.


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