w14.1 gender

 1. summary

 In the scientific community, gender is divided into two categories: women and men. However, the sociological community recognizes gender diversity. In the case of transgender, they may change from woman to man or from man to woman through their beliefs and self-establishment. There are biological differences between women and men, psychological differences, and educational differences. Women and men are biologically different in height and lifespan, and liberal arts and science tendencies are sometimes divided. Gender discrimination also exists.

2. my thought

 These days, there is a tendency to recognize the gender they feel, such as transgender in Korean broadcasts. There are a lot of discriminatory views on transgender people, but I think it's right to acknowledge their thinking as well. Gender discrimination is a problem that needs to be solved. Women and men, such as biological, psychological, and educational, are creatures that have differences, so they should be understood and considered without discrimination against each other for coexistence.

3. Question

 What do you think about the difference in last name? Do you think positively about transgender? Or vice versa


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