Prezi video ( Han woojin


He argues that the evolution and development of technology is related to biological evolution, and discusses the principles of technological development and how it will affect the future. Kelly suggests that technology evolves and changes like life. He introduces the idea of bringing out the characteristics of life to technology. He uses this concept of technium to describe a kind of self-evolving technological ecosystem. From this point of view, they argue that the fate of technology will be more complex and unpredictable than humans think. He explains that technology develops horizontally, expands into new forms, and various kinds of technologies interact with each other. It emphasizes that various technologies will develop interconnectedly, and that it will give mankind new technologies and innovations that have never been imagined before. Kevin Kelly makes predictions about the evolution and future of technology. He explains that technology fields such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and genetic manipulation will develop into forms that have not been believed so far, revealing a great presence to mankind. The pace of development of these technologies will be shockingly faster, and new challenges will be organized accordingly for mankind. Finally, he concludes his lecture by suggesting the development and evolution of technology in solidarity with the development of human civilization. He emphasizes that technology, combined with social implications, will bring about valuable changes for humans, suggesting that sustainable development is possible. Through this lecture, listeners learn that technological advancement is a deeply linked process with biological evolution, and they can hear bold predictions about the future of technology and its pace of development. Kevin Kelly presents an intern outlook for technological advancements, sharing insights into what positive changes will be made to human intelligence and social values.


Here are the key points that Kevin Kelly felt during his speech. I realized that technology is a process that evolves and changes like life. Listening to the link between biological evolution and technological advancement, we have renewed our awareness of the essential characteristics of technology through the amazing discovery that technological advancements move like ever-evolving creatures. It was amazing that technological advancements were made in a horizontal direction. It was very interesting that various technologies were interconnected and developed, offering greater innovation and possibilities than previously imagined. I felt in the lecture that the development of technology is closely linked to human civilization. Listening to Kevin Kelly's predictions of the pace and direction of technology's evolution, he was able to further expand his view of how technological advances will bring positive changes to human intelligence and social values. We have gained a new understanding of the relationship between technological advancement and human development. We could learn that technological advances have a direct and indirect impact on sustainable development, not just on improving human intelligence and lifestyle. This lecture provides a clear understanding of the essential characteristics of technology and the way it develops, and allows us to imagine amazing possibilities for technology and the human future. Through a new perspective, I realized that I had to look at the evolution and development of technology and find ways to bring it positively to mankind.


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