W 14.2 : Race and Ethnicity

 1) Summary

Race is a concept that divides people into groups based on biological characteristics, and race classification can vary depending on historical, geographical, and cultural factors. Race is created socially, and is formed by the interaction of social relations and power. Discrimination and racism between races can trigger social absurdity and inequality. And this can happen for historical, political, and economic reasons, often leading to conflict and violence. Ethnicity is a group based on shared history, culture, language, and beliefs, and ethnic identity is related to the identity of individuals and groups. Among theories related to ethnicity, multiculturalism aims for a social environment in which various races and ethnic groups can coexist and interact.

2) An interesting point

It was interesting that race and ethnicity were not biologically defined but socially formed. Race and ethnicity are formed by the interaction of social relations and power, which can lead to absurdities and inequalities such as discrimination between races and racism. It is also interesting that the concept of multiculturalism aims for a social environment in which various races and ethnic groups can coexist and interact. This sociological perspective can play an important role in understanding and solving race and ethnic problems.

3) Question

How can I understand and solve race and ethnic problems?


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