W5.2 Introduction to Sociology/Religion

 1. Summarize

 Religion is divided into sacred and blasphemy. Religion can be divided into churches, denominations, and sects. There are cases of pseudo. Religion can also be used as a tool to justify any act. It is possible to justify bad behavior. Religion has the potential to become secular. Already in decline and secularization in the United States.

2. Mention new, learned, or my thought

  I think the pseudo-problem in religious matters is serious at the moment. It is easy to see people approaching religiously just by walking around the streets. You can tell just by looking at the 'JMS' and 'AGAYA' cases that the latest incident. My friends also said that there were clubs in their university for pseudo missionary purposes. Religion touches the conscious part of a person and teaches them about attitudes and thoughts in life. If such teaching was pseudo-instruction, not religious, I think it would have a great negative effect on a person's life. In fact, it is easy to find news articles that pseudo-religion uses believers religiously to take away their property and use them sexually. Therefore, at the individual level, it is better to judge critically and be careful, and I think it is right for the government to take measures against pseudo. However, I heard that such a method is not easy because the pseudo is large and politically connected. I think pseudo-problem is a big issue in society now.

3. Question

 What do you think about the problem of pseudo-religion in our society now?


  1. Despite the crackdown on COVID-19, the government should prevent damage through various systems, including social controversy and damage, such as the content of pseudo documentary programs (sex exploitation and abuse) broadcast on Netflix

  2. In my country, maybe the popularity of religion and pseudo-religion is not very high. So here I just put my opinion about it.
    We need to be careful about the rationality of religion. We need to understand what is behind religion, whether it is beneficial to our development or whether it has a purpose.


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