W9.2 Introduction to Sociology/Socialization---CAI YAYU


The socialization of education refers to the process of interaction between the individual and society in the process of education. Education is not only the transmission of knowledge in schools, but also the transmission of social culture and the shaping of values. The aim of educational socialization is to equip students with the ability to adapt to society and to become useful members of it. Socialization in education can occur at all levels: home, school and society. Educational socialization is not only about the transmission of knowledge, it is also about the transmission and shaping of values. Therefore, in the process of educational socialization, educators need to be mindful of the influence they have on their students to transmit the right values and codes of conduct in order to produce people with good moral qualities and a sense of social responsibility.

2. Interesting point

The socialisation of people of different classes does vary. Socialisation is a process involving the interaction between the individual and society, and different social status, economic conditions and cultural backgrounds can influence the socialisation process of individuals.
Different classes within a society have different social resources and cultural capital, which affect their socialization process. For example, children growing up in poor families may not be exposed to sufficient educational resources and cultural capital, and their socialization process may be limited, affecting their interpersonal and social adjustment abilities.

3. Discussion point

What is the role of socialization in society?


  1. Socialization plays a crucial role in society as it is the process by which individuals learn and internalize the norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors that are considered appropriate and necessary for effective participation in society. Through socialization, individuals acquire the necessary skills, attitudes, and knowledge to function effectively as members of their society. It helps individuals to develop a sense of self and their identity, establish social relationships, and understand their roles and responsibilities within the larger social context. Socialization also ensures social continuity and stability by transmitting cultural traditions and practices across generations.


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