W5.2- Introduction to Sociology/Religion-LUAN QIANYUE


The sociologist Émile Durkheim described it by saying that it consists of "things beyond the limits of our knowledge". Religion is "a unified system of beliefs and practices associated with sacred things, that is, separated and forbidden, beliefs and practices united into a single moral community called the Church, for all those who adhere to them". Religion can be broadly defined as a system of beliefs, values and practices that provide individuals with a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. It is a fundamental aspect of human culture and has played an important role in shaping society throughout history. Sociologists are interested in understanding how religion influences social behavior, how it interacts with other social institutions, and how it shapes individual and group identity.

2.Interesting point

Religion exists as an organized and integrated set of beliefs, behaviors, and norms centered on basic social needs and values. It typically includes beliefs in gods, supernatural forces, or spiritual entities, as well as the rituals, ceremonies, and moral codes associated with these beliefs. Religion plays an important role in many cultures and societies and can influence the beliefs, values, and behaviors of individuals.
In this sense, religion can be seen as an integral part of society, which has a broad and far-reaching impact on social behavior and social relations.

3. Discussion point

How do religious beliefs shape social attitudes and values?


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