W13.2-Social inequality

 1) Summarize 

Social inequality occurs when resources are unevenly distributed in a given society, usually through distribution norms that produce specific patterns according to socially defined categories of people. Social inequality is related to economic inequality and is often described in terms of unequal distribution of income or wealth; This is a type of social inequality that is often studied.

There are five systems or types of social inequality: wealth inequality, treatment and responsibility inequality, political inequality, life inequality and membership inequality.

Social stratification is the hierarchical arrangement of social class, wealth and political influence. A society can be politically stratified by authority and power, economically stratified by income level and wealth, and occupationally stratified by one's occupation. For example, some roles such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. rank high, so they give orders, while the rest take them. There are three systems of social stratification, the caste system, the hierarchy system and the class system.

2) Interesting point

One of the things I'm most interested in is sexism, which is a major cause of social inequality. Most societies, even agricultural ones, have some kind of gender division of labor, and during industrialization, the gender-based division of labor tends to increase. The emphasis on gender inequality stems from the deepening division of roles between men and women, especially in the economic, political and educational fields. In most states of the global North and the global South, women are underrepresented in political activities and decision-making.

3) Discussion point

What else do you think causes social inequality?


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