W13.2 Social inequality (LEE EUNJU)

  1) Summarize 

Social inequality represents an unbalanced distribution of resources, opportunities, and power among members of society. This can be seen in economic, educational, political, and social aspects. Social inequality is closely related to social stratification and can be formed by discriminatory factors such as race, gender, economic status, and nationality. Social inequality is considered an issue of fairness and justice, and affects the overall well-being and development of society. Research to explore and investigate social inequality for understanding and response is considered important.

  2) An interesting point

What I found interesting in this document is "Social quality and education." This section deals with topics related to social inequality in education. For example, it is being introduced that people with lower education levels are more likely to experience lower incomes, lack of opportunities, and social mobility restrictions. I chose this content as an interesting content because I was able to think about the interaction between the role of education and social inequality.

  3) Question

How does social inequality relate to differences between countries? In other words, by what factors can the difference in social inequality between developing and developed countries be explained?


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