W13.1- Social stratification-LUAN QIANYUE

 1. Summary

Social stratification refers to the relative social status of individuals within a social group, category, geographic area, or social unit. It refers to the division of people into different levels or classes in society, based on a range of factors such as wealth, power, status, education, and occupation. There are many reasons for social stratification. These reasons include economic differences, inheritance of social status, racial and gender discrimination, education and skill differences, etc. These factors can lead to inequality between different groups and the formation of social stratification. Also social stratification may lead to economic inequality, inequitable opportunities, social tensions and social unrest. In addition, social stratification may also affect individual opportunities and social mobility, limiting the social and economic progress of individuals.

2. Interesting point

There are different types of social stratification systems. These systems include caste systems, hierarchies, class systems, and social mobility. Each of these systems has different characteristics and ways of functioning, but all are based on inequality and differences between groups in society.

3.Discussion point

How can inequality be addressed and social justice promoted?


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