W13-2: Social Inequality(LEE JEONGYOON)

1) summarize

 What is social inequality? Social inequality is a phenomenon that occurs when a society's scarce resources are unequally distributed according to norms. Typically, social inequality is related to economic inequality, which is based on the unequal distribution of income or wealth. Economic inequality is one of the most frequently studied types of social inequality. Social inequality can be found in almost every society. Social inequality is categorized into egalitarian, class, and hierarchical societies. Egalitarian societies are based on equal opportunities and rights, so there is no discrimination. Class societies are mostly agricultural communities that are hierarchically grouped based on their status in society. Finally, hierarchical societies are those that are horizontally ranked into upper, middle, and lower classes.

 There are two types of status in society: inherited and earned. Inherited status is characterized by the fact that it is present at birth or assigned by others and is beyond the control of the individual. Examples include: female, son. Examples of achieved status are: student, teacher, father.

 There are many types of social inequality. There are gender inequalities, racial and ethnic inequalities, age inequalities, and so on.

2) interesting thing

I found the concept of health inequality interesting. Health inequality can be defined as differences in health status or differences in the distribution of health determinants between different population groups. Health inequality is related to access to healthcare. In the United States, the healthcare system is privatized, so if you don't have the money, you can't get proper treatment due to high hospital bills.

3) questions

How is each social inequality addressed?

How is the U.S. healthcare system perceived within American society? How can it be fixed?


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