14.2 - Introduction to Sociology/Race and Ethnicity

1) Summarization

Race and ethnicity are important aspects of human identity that have significant impacts on social interactions, power dynamics, and cultural attitudes. Race refers to the physical characteristics that are used to categorize people based on their skin color, facial features, and other physical attributes. Ethnicity, on the other hand, refers to a person's cultural background, including language, religion, traditions, and values.

Additionally, race and ethnicity intersect with other social identities such as gender, sexuality, and socioeconomic status, creating complex systems of privilege and oppression. For instance, black women are more likely to experience discrimination and oppression compared to white women or black men due to the intersections of racism and sexism.

2) What was interesting/what did you learn?

Throughout history, race and ethnicity have been used to justify discrimination, oppression, and violence against marginalized groups. Examples of such discrimination include slavery, apartheid, and colonization. Despite legislative efforts to promote equality and social justice, racial and ethnic disparities still persist in various aspects of society, including education, employment, healthcare, and criminal justice.

3) Discussion points

How can we promote diversity and inclusion in our schools and communities and ensure that historically marginalized groups have an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive?


  1. Diversity and inclusion require a diverse teaching workforce. This can increase student participation and prepare students for life after school in a multicultural society. School leaders need to ensure that all faculty and staff are committed to diversity and inclusion. This may involve adopting transformative leadership styles and motivating teachers to strive to create inclusive and diverse learning environments. Guidance can help. Teachers and community members can mentor students from minority or historically marginalized groups.


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