Week 9.1 LIU ZIMENG 유자맹

Week 9.1 LIU ZIMENG 유자맹

1) Summarize 
The main topics are the definition and history of government, the classification and forms of government. More important is the basic political system, especially democracy. It is divided into direct democracy and indirect democracy.
The main types of government are democracy, constitutional government, autocracy, dictatorship, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism. They vary according to the doctrines of each school.
In the context of mainland China, polity is often equated with the form of regime organization [1], which is explained as follows according to Marxist theory:
The polity includes the way power is arranged vertically in a state, which is also called the form of state structure; it also includes the relationship between various state organs, which is usually called the form of regime organization.
The structural form of the state is the relationship of power between the local and central levels of a state, and between the whole and the local level. It is generally divided into unitary and composite systems. Among them, compound systems include federal and confederal systems.
In Taiwan, the so-called "form of state structure" belongs to the category of statehood.
Other terms close to political system include "form of power," "form of state," "form of government," "form of regime organization," and "form of state structure. "form of state structure" and "system of government," all of which are categorical terms used in politics.
It is worth noting that even illegitimate governments or governments that cannot successfully exercise power have a form of government, and a failed government is still a form of government, regardless of the quality of its rule.
2) Interesting point
The market and the government:
The market, in order to maintain its equal and open character and promote competition, has an instinctive rejection of government interference; on the other hand, the market needs government mediation in order to maintain order. Especially when the market fails, government intervention is needed. Government intervention in the market includes carrying out public goods services, developing public utilities, solving externalities (e.g. environmental pollution); controlling the emergence of monopolies, maintaining market stability and fair opportunities; solving information asymmetry problems, etc.

3) Discussion point
What’s the disadvantages of Democracy?


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