w.9.2 introduction to sociology/socialization KIMNAKYOUNG 김나경


Elements of socialization


Socialization is what humans learn to live their lives, and socialization between society and groups appears in various ways. This does not mean that all human behavior is the result of socialization.

-primary and secondary socialization

The process of learning the cultural norms of society that members of society belong to according to birth is called primary socialization. Compared to this, secondary socialization is the process of socializing by learning the values and attitudes of the group as an individual belongs to a specific vocational group.

-broad and narrow socialization

Arnett proposed a distinction between broad and narrow socialization, where broad promotes independence and self-expression, while narrow promotes obedience and conformity.

-total institution

Socialization is not always valid or successful, and there are installations like prisms and mental health facilities designed to socialize. Who were not successfully socialized. The process of reacquiring new norms or norms to adapt to new environments is re-acquired.


Feral or wild children, who were not socialized by adults while growing up, lack basic social skills and have almost insurmountable trouble learning a human language. Such examples highlight the importance of socialization in human development.

Theoretical understanding of socialization

There is various define and theory about socialization. Like Symbolic interactionism, Role theory, Reinforcement theory, Internalization Theory.

-socialization as joining group

Long and Hadden proposed a revised understanding of socialization as "the medium for transforming newcomers into bona fide members of a group". They criticized earlier approaches to socialization for being too vague and lacking specificity about the nature of socialization activity. Under their new understanding, socialization is the process of creating and incorporating new members of a group by certified members of the group. Socialization is both the process and outcome of joining groups.

Research examples

-socialization and social class

-socialization and death preparation

-Do college preparation classes make a difference?

2. interesting point & discussion

Human walking, speaking, and laughing are innate instinctive behaviors. Humans are born with the ability to interact and communicate with others, which is related to the development of language skills. Also, humans have certain instincts for survival and reproduction. For example, eating food, sleeping, etc. are instinctive actions for survival and reproduction. In addition, genetic factors affect the formation of an individual's personality, abilities, and preferences.


As such, it was an interesting point that biological factors and genetic influences in the process of socialization also affect people's behavior and attitudes.

This reminds me of the view that man is born good or bad(evil).

Here, I have curious about how far the socialization process is a natural process and where it is related to someone's socialization education. Some human think behavior has a natural nature, so it is a separate area from socialization education and parenting. Others say that human beings are social beings, so they are greatly influenced by their parents and others to form character and behavior. 

What do you think about this?


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