W9.2 Ho Ryuyeong


1. Socialization is a sociological concept composed of several elements. The three goals of socialization are 1. impulse control and the development of conscience 2. Preparing for roles in institutions such as professional roles, gender roles, marriage, and parental roles 3. Finding reasons to live worthwhile

2. In order to explain the importance of socialization, cases that have not been socialized even as an adult while growing neglect, unhappiness, and intentional abuse are used. Such people are called "wild" people and are considered to be in need of care. How should we educate people who have not been socialized by the negative environment even as adults? I would like to discuss it with a real case.

3. According to the article, elderly people in nursing homes are socialized to accept death. So what about the prisoners in prison? I want to find out what kind of socialization process sinners go through when they go to prison and discuss it with their team members.


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