W5.2 Sociology/Religion

1) Summarize
Sociologists analyze religion. However, it does not judge the right or wrong of religion itself, but studies the function of relativistic religion.  Emile Durkheim distinguished religion as sacred and everyday. Also, religion is divided into existential and supernatural. Religion as an existential question is often criticized for being too broad and inclusive. 
Religion exists in a variety of ways. 
The most common and popular type of religion is the church. This religion also existed in Roman Catholicism in the past, and is intertwined with the political and economic structures of most societies in everyday life. The religion in which the church is distinguished is Ecclesia.
The next type of religion is the denomination. This religion exists universally in the United States. Churches are distinguished in that the denomination has a large influence on political intervention.
In addition, there are pseudo-religion and emerging religions. Cult argued. This religion, called heresy, also has the characteristic of developing into a denomination.
Religion is related to many parts of society. Religion affects social conflicts, affects members of society, and performance is also related. It can be seen that religion is involved in most areas of society in that it is also related to religion in terms of race problems, class, education and health.

2) Interesting point
I learned how much religion is a big part of sociology. So I think we who live in society should be more interested in religion and study it. In particular, religion is regarded by many people today as an object of exclusion and an area of avoidance. Therefore, we need to learn more about why religion is necessary for us, what characteristics each type of religion has and how it affects us.
In the Wikipedia text, I was impressed by the sentence, 'What the future of religious fundamentalism holds for human society is unknown, but because of the impact of this particular religious approach on society today, religious fundamentalism warrants continued study.' We don't know how religion will change in the future, but considering the impact of religion on us now, research on religion should continue in the future.

3) Question
What are some social conflicts caused by religion?
Will there be more diverse religions in the future?


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