W5.2 Religion

 1. Summary

 Sociologists study religion to understand religion and to predict what they will do. Religion is a quick, secular, and existential question that can be defined in three ways, as in the view of supernatural. It can be divided into church religious churches, denominations, denominations, cults, and new religions. Religion can also be viewed from a structural-functional, social conflict, social constructivism, religious pluralism, and social psychological perspective.  Today's religions are divided into five main categories and are also associated with social factors such as gender, race and class. Such religions play an important role in life, but secularization is being discussed, and the need for the study of religious fundamentalism is emerging.

2. Interesting point

It was interesting to see the differences due to the religious influence of social factors. I thought religion was only influential in individual lives. The fact that religious beliefs in particular emerged as the opposition to the abolition of racism has changed my view that faith with good intentions is religion. I also felt how great the power of religion was in that it fostered religious beliefs while worshiping in a church with the same white pastor despite being abused by white people.

3. Discussion

Also, most religions are similar by race, but does the fact that religion affects various social factors affect differences in education by race?


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