W5.2- Introduction to Sociology/Religion-CAI YAYU


Religious belief is one of the oldest cultural phenomena in human history. It refers to the belief in supernatural forces that people regard as the most important part of their lives. In religious belief, people believe in the existence of an omnipotent God who is able to control nature and the destiny of mankind. This belief stems from people's uncertainty about themselves and their surroundings and their search for the fundamental questions of human existence.
For many people, religious beliefs are a moral compass that can guide people in their quest for a more noble way of life. Many religions teach people how to behave morally and respect others. In addition, religious beliefs can provide people with comfort and hope, allowing them to feel more meaningful in their lives.

2.Interesting point

Religious beliefs can also lead to disagreement and conflict. Different religious beliefs can be conflicting and contradictory, which can lead to war and social instability. It is therefore vital to understand and respect different religious beliefs.
Religious beliefs take different forms and expressions in different parts of the world. Christianity, for example, is one of the world's most widely spread religions, believing in God's mercy and salvation and teaching people to love others as themselves. Islam, on the other hand, is one of the youngest religions in the world, teaching adherence to the will of God and emphasising faith, righteousness and almsgiving.

3. Discussion point

What attitudes should we hold in the face of different religious cultures?


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