W3.2 lee ye ram (이예람)



This wiki is about scientific methodology. Scientific methods are used to study phenomena and learn new knowledge. So it is used in various fields.The history of scientific methods began in 1021 with Alhaysam's observation of light going straight, leading to Newton's classical mechanics and Labouage's discovery of oxygen, and at the end of the 19th century, scientific methods were formalized as hypotheses and experiments to verify them. And because scientific methods are based on experience, they are not conclusive, but can always be changed by new knowledge

2.) interesting point

The interesting thing about this content is that scientific methods have been developed longer than I thought. It first appeared about 1,000 years ago, and it is surprising considering the degree of technology development at this time.


I wanted to learn more about the scientific method and the relationship between scientific philosophy, luck, and mathematics.


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