5.2-Introduction to Sociology/Religion

1) Summarization

Religion is an important part of the development of human civilization, which includes the belief in and worship of supernatural forces such as gods, spirits, ancestors, and nature, and also involves the practice of morality, rituals, ceremonies, and canons. It can influence society in terms of values, morals, and ways of behavior. At the same time, society can also influence the development and spread of religion.

2) What was interesting/what did you learn?

There is considerable evidence that women are more likely to be interested and involved in religion than men. More women than men report having attended religious services in the past week (46% compared with 33%); more women hold membership in a church or synagogue (74% compared with 63%); and more women report watching religious programs (53% compared with 44%). 

3) Discussion points

Do you believe that people have past lives and future lives?


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