5.1-Free-culture movement

1) Summarization

At the heart of the Free Culture movement was a rebellion against and questioning traditional norms and institutions. This movement rejects archaic dogma and pursues a free and liberal way of life, emphasizing individualism, peace, and self-actualization. At the same time, this movement also calls on society to pay more attention to the disadvantaged and social issues and to embrace multiculturalism and democratic values.

2) What was interesting/what did you learn?

The free culture movement influenced the politics, culture, and society of the time. In terms of culture, the Free Culture Movement promoted rock music, folk music, hippie culture, etc. 

Politically, the free culture movement inspired some major political reforms, such as the promotion of the black rights movement and the feminist movement. 

In the social aspect, the free culture movement provided the young people of the time with new ideas and lifestyles and also inspired civic consciousness and a sense of social responsibility.

3) Discussion points

The free culture movement advocates the freedom of individual expression and development, but in reality, legal, moral, and ethical factors may impose restrictions on freedom. 

How to balance the relationship between freedom and restriction?


  1. I don't think it's right to deny copyright itself. This is because I think the time, effort, and pain of the creator who entered to create a creation are never inferior to the social value of social development or the development of creative thinking. Therefore, I think it is appropriate to reduce the period of copyright law for creations protected by copyright law.


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