5. Culture

1. summarize

 What is culture? It is probably difficult to define culture in one word. People's lifestyles, values, thoughts and interactions. All of this falls within the broad framework of culture. For example, the OK sign is implied in Korea with the meaning of ‘I got it’. However, in French, it has the meaning of “bad,” “worthless,” and “meaning nothing.” It is interesting that an expression used with a positive meaning in Korea has a negative meaning in France. In this way, culture does not have a specific framework. Culture is not biological, it is a social aspect of life. It is connected through people and learns from people.

 To learn more about culture, there are subcultures and countercultures. A subculture is a culture shared by members of a particular group within a society. It is created by living and interacting with members of a group based on a similar living space, age, job, and hobby. The characteristics of subcultures are that there are many subcultures within a society, and the more diversified and democratized the society, the more diversified it is. There are three types of subcultures: local culture, generational culture, and counterculture. Of these, let's take a closer look at the counterculture.

 A counterculture is a culture that resists or opposes the dominant culture in a society. It can be seen as a type of subculture, and the rules for counterculture vary depending on the era and society. Catholicism is an example of a counterculture rule that changes over time. During the Joseon Dynasty, society was run according to the ruling order of the caste system. In the late Joseon Dynasty, Catholic missionaries entered Joseon and propagated Catholicism, which conflicted with the Joseon caste system. Because it did not fit into the national system, it was defined as counterculture and Catholicism was banned.

2. interesting thing 

 What's interesting about this chapter is the standard of culture. A certain movement or idea can have a good meaning or be a target of prohibition depending on the time and place. Isn't it very interesting that what was considered negative in the past can turn into a positive meaning in modern society?

3. question

 Another example of a counterculture is the American hippie culture. Under what criteria was the hippie culture defined as a counterculture?


  1. Hippie culture was defined as anti-culture in that it denied the order of the existing society, the dominant culture at the time, and opposed material civilization with a weight on freedom, peace, and spiritual values.


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